do eye drops expire

Do Eye Drops Expire? How To Safely Use Eye Drops

Written by Dr. Radhika Gholap

Yes, all eyedrops expire at some point, similar to all pharmaceutical products. But in some cases, you should stop using eyedrops before their expiration date. The expiry date for both prescription eye drops as well as over the counter eye drops is usually found on both the box that it comes in as well as on the bottle itself. Let’s dive into why do eye drops expire and what to do.

Why Do Eye Drops Expire?

Whether you are using antibiotic eye drops or eye drops for dry eyes, all eye drops have an expiration date. Even in the case of over the counter eye drops, there will be an expiration date. 

Eye drops expire because this is the amount of of time that the pharma company has tested the product for effectivity. It is possible if they had tested the product longer, it may have a longer expiration date. However, the expiration date is the known amount of time within which an eye drop will definitely be effective at treating your eye condition. 

When Do Eye Drops Expire?

Eye drops usually have an expiration date that is usually around 1 to 2 years from the manufacturing date. This date however is applicable only if the bottle is unopened and it has been stored in the proper conditions. 

The expiration date of your eye drops is usually on the bottle and also on the box. If you have bought a case of eye drops, then it should be on the case as well.

Unopened Eye Drops

If your eye drop is not open, you can usually store it and use it until the expiration date printed on the bottle.

Opened Eye Drops

Once opened, the shelf life of eye drops significantly decreases, often to just 28 to 30 days, depending on the product and whether it contains preservatives. The bottle should typically be discarded after 28 to 30 days. With preservative-free drops where the vial is open, you should get rid of it after 24 hours.

Which Eye Drop Are You Using?

Different types of eye drops have different instructions for storage to ensure effective treatment. Below is a list of common eye medications used for glaucoma treatment. Review the specific recommendations for the medication you are taking. All prescription eye drop medications must be prescribed by a doctor after a comprehensive eye exam.

Latanoprost (Xalatan, Monopost)

Latanoprost is used for the treatment of glaucoma and a disease called ocular hypertension.

How To Use:

  • Store unopened drops in the refrigerator at 2° to 8°C (36° to 46°F) and protect them from direct sunlight. 
  • After opening, store the bottle at room temperature (up to 25°C or 77°F) and use within six weeks. After this, the medication is no longer as effective active ingredients can degrade.


Timolol (Blocadren,Timol)

The eye drop use for timolol is also to lower eye pressure. It usually has a yellow cap.

How To Use:

  • Store unopened drops in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 
  • Once opened, use the bottle within four weeks to avoid bacterial growth and reduced effectiveness. Be sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions for more specifics on storage and usage.

Travaprost (Travatan)

Travoprost is in a similar category as Latanoprost.

How To Use:

  • Store unopened drops at room temperature away from direct light. Read manufacturer directions for specific shelf life.
  • Once opened, use within six weeks. Proper storage helps prevent the growth of bacteria and ensures the active ingredients remain effective for treating your eye condition.

Dorzolamide (Truspot)

Dorzolamide which usually has an orange cap, is often used in the treatment of glaucoma. 

How To Use:

  • Store unopened bottles at room temperature and away from light. 
  • After opening, use within four weeks. This will maintain the medication chemical composition and reduce infection and complication risk. 

Brimonidine (Alphagan)

Brimonidine is also a medication that is used for glaucoma.

How To Use

  • Store unopened eye drops in a cool, dry place. 
  • After opening, use within four weeks to prevent bacterial contamination and ensure effectiveness. Make sure the bottle tip does not touch any surface to maintain sterility.

Preservative-Free Artificial Tears (Systane, Refresh)

Preservative free artificial tears are used to treat dry eye syndrome and general dry eye symptoms. They provide quick relief to sensitive eyes. The boxes of preservative-free eye drops have multi-use eye drop bottles inside them that look like little vials.

How To Use:

  • Store unopened drops in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 
  • After opening, use within four weeks. This will prevent preservative breakdown and bacterial growth. 
  • Key: Make sure you avoid drops with preservatives or those instructing to “keep the red out”. You want drops that mimic your natural tears and hydrate the eye’s surface. This will prevent worsening eye dryness. 

Do Eye Drops Expire: Yes! What does it mean?

It is not a good idea to use eye drops past their expiry date due to potential complications. When an eye drop expires, the manufacturer can no longer guarantee its effectiveness or sterility. Using an expired bottle of eye drops can lead to several issues.

Reduced Effectiveness

The active ingredients may degrade, making the medication less effective at treating your condition.

Increased Risk of Infection

Expired eye drops can help grow bacteria. This means your drops can become contaminated with harmful bacteria or fungi. This can lead to eye infections. Signs of infection include redness, discharge, discomfort, pain, and a change in your vision. You may also notice general discomfort. 

Changes In Composition Of The Eye Drop

It is possible that the chemical composition of the eye drops can change after they are expired. The preservatives and other components may break down, potentially causing eye irritation or adverse reactions. If you begin experiencing new symptoms like blurry vision, eye redness, or eye pain, consider stopping your drops. Consult with an eye care professional. 

Do Eye Drops Expire Before Their Expiration Date: Extreme Temperatures

Extreme temperatures can significantly affect eye medications. Make sure to follow manufacturer storage criteria to prevent complications. This usually means storing in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. Your medicine cabinet is usually a good location as it avoids sunlight and severe temperature fluctuations.


High temperatures can degrade the active ingredients. This would reduce the medication strength. It can also predispose to bacterial growth and infection. 


Avoid keeping the eye drops at a temperature colder than their storage range. Freezing can change solution consistency. This affects how the medication is dispensed and its effectiveness. 


Best Practices For Using Eye Drops

When getting a new eye drops, make sure you check that the sterile seal of the bottle is intact. Never use a bottle if the seal is tampered or broken. Here are some other general tips to help you effectively use and store your eye drops. 

  • Follow The Manufacturer’s Instructions: The first thing to do is to follow the specific instructions on the package insert regarding storage and use.
  • Mark The Date: Write the date you open the bottle on the label. This is the best way to remember the shelf life of your eye drop.
  • Avoid Contamination: Be careful when placing eye drops. Do not let the bottle tip touch any surface. This will help maintain a sterile seal. Stop using the drop if the tip dispenser is no longer clean. Always change to a new bottle if worried the drops are not clean.
  • Check For Changes In Your Eye Drops: Monitor your eye drops for any changes in color or consistency. This could indicate contamination, and you should stop using that bottle of drops.
  • Try Single Use Vials: If possible, opt for individual vials that you can throw out after one use. This is typically more expensive but decreases contamination risk. This is especially recommended if you struggle in keeping the bottle tip clean. Many artificial tears come in single-vials. 
  • Wait Between Drops: If you have various eye conditions and have multiple bottles of eye drops, it is important to know which color top is when. You also want to wait atleast 5 minutes between different drops to maximize medication effect.
  • Throw Out Contact Lenses: Discard of any contact lenses that have made contact with an expired eye drop. 

Do Eye Drops Expire: Summary 

No matter the type of eye drop, it will expire at some point. While eye drops that come as single-use vials have a lower risk of contamination, it is still important to throw these out after 24 hours. For multi-use bottles, keeping the tip of the bottle clean is also important to prevent an eye infection. Even if the medication has not expired, you may have to stop using the medication if it is not correctly stored in the correct temperature or location. 

Potential risks of using expired eye drops are bacteria growth on the tip of the bottle, bacterial infections in the eye, allergic reactions, and other eye problems that cause eye discomfort. Uncomfortable symptoms should be brought to the attention of an eye doctor for optimal eye health.

Whether you are using eye drops for dry eye disease, allergic conjunctivitis, glaucoma, or more, it is important to use your drops correctly. This will help you properly treat your eyes. Follow these recommendations to ensure ideal eye health and management of your eye disease. Be sure to label when you open the bottle and check the expiration date. Throw away the bottle after the recommended period.  If you have any questions about your eye medications, please consult your eye doctor or healthcare provider. 

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